All the answers
to your questions

A collection of frequently asked questions about ExpoWanted.

What exactly is ExpoWanted?

ExpoWanted is the first real virtual expo dedicated to product design companies. Furniture, lighting and industrial design, from handmade products to high-tech solutions. A virtual fair open 24/7 in which to interact with the best products on the market.

Who can exhibit?

Manufacturers who want to exhibit their products in a 3D format, making them available to their current audience and new potential customers. New launches, best seller products, even new concepts. ExpoWanted is the best way to offer a unique experience to buyers and design enthusiasts.

Design studios that intend to promote their projects and competences. ExpoWanted offers you the possibility to tell your background and story, show your works and, why not, exhibit product concepts that do not yet exist, but which could meet the favor of the manufacturers of our network.

How do I join ExpoWanted?

ExpoWanted, like all design fairs and events, has several commercial plans to take part in. Contact our sales team to find out more.

What design categories can be exhibited?

A wide range of products:

Home Furniture • Bathroom Furniture • Garden Furniture • Office Furniture • Lighting • Household Accessories • Materials and Surfaces • Sports Equipement • Vehicles • Watercrafts • Robotics • Medical Devices and Technology • Video and Audio Technology • Wearables • Packaging • Outdoor Equipment • Industrial Machinery

How many products can I exhibit in my virtual space?

Virtually, an unlimited number! It all depends on the exhibition plan you choose. At the moment, we are offering the option of placing 1 or 3 products. Each product can be shown in 25 different combinations (e.g. 5 colors and 5 materials).

For higher or custom plans, contact our sales team.

How long does ExpoWanted last?

ExpoWanted never ends, it is an always open space in which companies can choose to be present continuously, starting from 1-year plans.

Why should I open a virtual showroom on ExpoWanted?

Difficulty in making events, advancing technology and massive digitisation are just some of the reasons that should push you to open a virtual space.

ExpoWanted is a great market innovation, the only truly virtual expo in which companies can offer their audience an immersive and interactive experience 24/7, without limits of space, time or distance, presenting their products with sensational realism.

Finishes and details look real.

Furthermore, ExpoWanted is a powerful sales tool in the hands of companies and their salespeople. Videos and photos are unable to convey this type of experience.

Want more?

ExpoWanted saves you a lot of money! You already know how much it costs to participate in physical events: travel, logistics, hotels, space rental, etc. All this for events lasting a maximum of 7 days and in which not everyone can participate. On ExpoWanted, anyone can discover your brand and your products, at any time, and have all the necessary information to contact you.

Not enough?

Well, what if we tell you that thanks to ExpoWanted we drastically reduce the pollution on the planet?

No products are shipped, no unnecessary flights, trains, etc…booked. A virtual expo conveniently accessible from home or office, which allows anyone to take part in it in a sustainable way for the environment. Isn’t just this great?!

What benefits do I get by joining ExpoWanted?

We try to be short:

  • It’s a product by the international design magazine DesignWanted, living in its digital eco-system. This means that DesignWanted’s readers will be aware of ExpoWanted and might visit your stand, bringing you a new fresh audience
  • All exhibitors, based on the chosen plan, have access to a dedicated communication plan on DesignWanted (magazine articles, social posts, etc.)
  • You position your company as market innovator giving your audience something cool and useful for them to experience your brand and products
  • No need to develop and manage the VR/AR technology since we do everything. No tech skills required, no risk of tech obsolescence, no need to update the technology itself. It is all on us. Do you like it?
  • Joining it is extremely easy: you give us your communication material and product 3D files, we do the rest promoting your brand internationally

Who does create my virtual showroom?

We do! Once you choose the plan that fits your needs, we will request and collect from you the material required in order to create your virtual showroom. Our dedicated team will guide you throughout the entire process.

Can I use the link to my virtual space also on my website?

The answer is yes!

Once the space is created on ExpoWanted, you will be able to share the link with anyone, e.g.:

  • Via e- mail to you subscribers
  • Your salespeople can use it to present the products during video conferences
  • You will be able to promote the space on your social media channels; etc.


You will also receive a membership logo that certifies your participation to ExpoWanted. You will be allowed to include it on your website with the direct link to the space.

Do you know what’s even better?

Exhibitors have the opportunity to embed the virtual showroom on their website, offering a unique experience to their direct visitors.

Contact our sales team to know more.

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